Boston Higashi provides clear policies and procedures in order to coordinate and efficiently execute all manner of activities throughout our campus. These policies help focus our attention and resources on high priority issues when needed. Each specific policy provides an operational framework within which the school functions on a day to day basis, and was developed in conjunction with our Administrative staff, Child Safety Committee, and our Task Force.

Playground buried in snow

Inclement Weather Protocol

Please consult local TV and radio stations for school district closures or delayed openings. When school is canceled in the student’s home district, no transportation is provided for our out of district students. When the Town of Randolph posts a weather related closure, many districts will not provide transportation due to the possibility of dangerous road conditions. Parental discretion is advised for those who elect to drive their child to our campus during weather emergencies. Delayed openings and emergency early dismissals are aligned with home district advisories, and parents should consult with their transportation vendors. The Boston Higashi School adheres to directives for all “State of Emergency” declarations issued by the Governor of MA. Day students should remain at home when a State of Emergency is declared.

Key in locked door

Lockdown Procedures

The safety of all students and staff at the Boston Higashi School remains our top priority. We continue to evaluate our emergency preparedness plans to ensure appropriate procedures are in place so students and staff know how to respond to various situations that may occur. Preparation is key in knowing what to do should an emergency arise.

Learn More

Anti-Bullying Plan

This Plan is the school’s blueprint for enhancing capacity to prevent and respond to issues of bullying within the context of other healthy school climate initiatives. As part of this planning process, BHS school leaders, with the input from families and staff, assessed the adequacy of the school’s current programs; reviewed current policies and procedures; reviewed available data on bullying and behavioral incidents; and assessed available resources including curricula, training programs, and behavioral health services.

Anti-Bullying and Prevention Plan